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Mad Dogs with Guns Save Santa?

Mad Dogs with Guns Save Santa?

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William Thorpe organized a Christmas themed game of Mad Dogs with Guns. The game is a 1930s era cops and robbers game. Intended to be a campaign style game the rules are easy enough to make a great participation game. ย This game took place at Gigabytes Cafe in Marietta, Georgia, USA.

The rules are from Osprey and uses a card activation mechanic. Combat and skill checks use multiple D6 with the number of dice varying by weapon type.

The terrain is mostly 4Ground MDF that is sadly out of print.

The teams consisted of multiple cops and elves versus multiple gangsters. ย The cops and elves got one secret briefing and then the elves got their own secret briefing. ย The gangsters got one secret briefing.

The game has a rule where it resets the game if the second joker in the deck of cards is drawn. When that happens, a Christmas trivia game starts and everyone who answers a question correctly gets a free re-roll of the dice. The re-roll markers were Hershey Kisses so you could eat your re-roll too.

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