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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Void Rifts

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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A few posts ago I showed off my son’s completed Kinshi Temple faction (that he painted, I can’t take any credit for them). Part of the Kinshi Temple is their use of Void Rifts that they deploy on the table before the game starts and the faction can use them to move between the portals. This makes for a very mobile faction and some annoying shenanigans. But GCT Studios don’t make any models for the void rifts (at least not yet, I think something may be coming next year), so I decided to help my son out by making some for him.

Searching the various STL sites, I found a much larger portal model that had the ‘swirly portal’ bit as a separate piece and so I purchased the STL. I’ve printed out the original portal, so will put that together later but through some 3D Builder manipulation, I was able to resize and shape the STL to fit onto a 30mm round base and then print it out.

Painting wise, I went for a grey and then a speed paint black. Then a lot of grey dry brushing. I picked out the bones and skulls with a very watered down bleached bone. Nice and quick.

Void RiftsVoid Rifts

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