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The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one!

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one!

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A new force to play with

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 5
With a bit of glue I’ve started putting together a small force of Germans for a small starter forceWith a bit of glue I’ve started putting together a small force of Germans for a small starter force

And with he dulcet sounds of Ken Nordine whispering sweet Beige nothings in my ear we start with undercoating the German infantry company.

Based with a zenith of black and Halfords grey we get to work

Now for some of Nordines finest for a drybrushNow for some of Nordines finest for a drybrush
50/50 wash / tone mix and then a dip in the basing tub and done!50/50 wash / tone mix and then a dip in the basing tub and done!
Next up I need some Alien Filth to kill so it’s a simple colour bash on the Lobotrons. Basically it’s just speedpaints over a white zenith with metal claws / guns. Nothing fancy here!Next up I need some Alien Filth to kill so it’s a simple colour bash on the Lobotrons. Basically it’s just speedpaints over a white zenith with metal claws / guns. Nothing fancy here!
Now for something a little heavier. These are the German Sturmpanzerwagons. Starting with a black, Halfords grey zenith.Now for something a little heavier. These are the German Sturmpanzerwagons. Starting with a black, Halfords grey zenith.
And that’s the tank done, forgot to mention the wash was a 3/1 medium dark tone mix applied after the drybrush And that’s the tank done, forgot to mention the wash was a 3/1 medium dark tone mix applied after the drybrush

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Cult of Games Member

A million to one but not zero. Or as Sir Terry Pratchett put it:

“Scientists have calculated that the chances of something so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one.
But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.”

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