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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Rat Pack

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Within the various factions of Bushido, like many other games, there are sub factions. Within the Cult of Yurei, rats seems to be an emerging sub faction. I say emerging as there is no official ‘theme’ that can be played supporting this and the number of models that would fit into this sub faction is still quite small. However the latest teaser from the developers is for a new rat model and some hints at other rat-kin, so perhaps it will grow into a fully fledged sub faction given time.

I’ve previously painted up some plague rats and thought it time to also work on the small and large rat swarm options. For these, I’ve opted for the 3D printed route. I found some rat STLs free online, a couple of individual rats and one of a group of rats. Through using Microsoft’s 3D Builder tool (which is very easy to use) I was able to create a few variations of the STLs and then (virtually) attach these to the relevant base size. A couple of hours of work for the resin printer and we have some models.

Painting wise, as the detail was quite good, I thought I’d carry on trying out the speed paints. After a black primer and I painted the upper parts of the rats white, I slapped on some speed paint. In particular, I went for Gravelord Grey, Grim Black, Dark Wood and Hardened Leather. A quick splodge of Barbarian Flesh on the tails and feet followed by a strong tone wash and then a dot of black for the eyes, it was done and time for basing. All in all, I think I spent more time waiting for the paint to dry than actually painting. It’s not going to win any painting awards but for the speed, great stuff. These Speed Paints are quite good.

Rat FrontRat Front
Rat BackRat Back

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