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Aeronef Station.

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I had been procrastinating over completing the large Nef station for way too long now and finally found the motivation to get it done.

The station has several really large windows that needed something to finish them off and I decided that some kind of stained-glass effect would fit the bill. I deliberately went with something that did not appear to be either too religious or too science fiction.
I settled on a simple flower design that I found on the internet at

Aeronef Station.

I used clear plastic transparency film and a permanent marker to draw out the chosen design, and contrast paints to colour the segments.  The ‘glass sheet’ for want of a better description, was then sandwiched between two frames.

Aeronef Station.
Aeronef Station.

After that, it was time to properly install the lights.  I decided to also add some interior lighting as the station is such a large building and I wanted to create some nice shadow effects across the table.

Aeronef Station.
Aeronef Station.

I was pretty happy with the shadows created by the lights shining through the windows onto the road and flagstones and thought it would be nice to create something similar in the industrial area of the set up.

The tower looked like a good candidate for creating some nice shadow effects, so I thought I would give it a trial to see how it looks.

Aeronef Station.

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