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Possibly the smallest terrain piece I have done for 28mm

Possibly the smallest terrain piece I have done for 28mm

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The idea

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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This project is a result of my current project to build a 28mm British Airborne Force.

Specifically I was  looking at the Snipers. I wanted to be a bit creative, snipers in my mind need to be in cover. Yes, I could have gone and got a sniper in a gillie suit. However, I was not keen on that for an urban environment.

So what to do?

I decided to put the Snipers on slightly bigger bases. 30mm instead of 25mm. And create a mini dioramas. This is what I am doing.

Step 1 - Preparing the figure

This is the primed figure mounted on a temporary base for painting This is the primed figure mounted on a temporary base for painting
This is the figure almost finished painting, although a tactical error was made in that I got ahead of myself and cut it off the base before I finished painting it 🤦🏻‍♂️This is the figure almost finished painting, although a tactical error was made in that I got ahead of myself and cut it off the base before I finished painting it 🤦🏻‍♂️

Step 2 - the Base ( yes I know the pictures are the wrong way around 🤣)

A brick wall was built using pre cast bricks these were glued together using watered down PVA. Then a lintel was added to replicate a window sill A brick wall was built using pre cast bricks these were glued together using watered down PVA. Then a lintel was added to replicate a window sill
The next step was to use coffee stirrers to replicate floor boards, and Vallejo's plastic putty to replicate wall plaster on the interior, and strips of plastic card to replicate the skirting boardsThe next step was to use coffee stirrers to replicate floor boards, and Vallejo's plastic putty to replicate wall plaster on the interior, and strips of plastic card to replicate the skirting boards
Then I stained the wood using Citadel Gore Grunta fur contrast.Then I stained the wood using Citadel Gore Grunta fur contrast.
The next step was to add the exterior texture to the base using Vallejo's Grey pumice ground texture.The next step was to add the exterior texture to the base using Vallejo's Grey pumice ground texture.
Finish view oneFinish view one
Finished image twoFinished image two

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