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Collins does a Frostgrave board

Collins does a Frostgrave board

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How to do frozen water in less than 5 minutes...

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 6
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start with wire in the rough shape you want. start with wire in the rough shape you want.
Run a bead of cool melt hot glue over it to the width you like.Run a bead of cool melt hot glue over it to the width you like.
remove from wire and hot glue to your model. dump the rest of the glue stick into the base to look like frozen waterremove from wire and hot glue to your model. dump the rest of the glue stick into the base to look like frozen water
before cooled and set sprinkle flock and glass ball sparkle flock on itbefore cooled and set sprinkle flock and glass ball sparkle flock on it

This is so easy you could do it one handed, with it tied behind your back, blindfolded…

all it really needs is confidence just to give it a go.

I firstly bent wire to a shape that was roughly how I would want my water to instantly freeze in the terrifying plunge into the deep cool down of frostgrave.

Then I ran 2 or 3 beads of glue down the wire to pad out to the shape of the water. I was careful not to make it smooth and kinds ‘dabbed’ in places to make it irregular.

When cold I then removed it from the wire using some persuasion and a little bit of scalpel. Chopped the top bit so it would fit in the water spout nicely.

Then, came the bit that all had to happen quickly so didn’t get chance to take many photos (cooling and setting time is short on cool melt glue!)

I put some hot glue in the water spout and on the tub end of the water spout and just rammed it into where I wanted it. I took a split second to make sure it looked ok, then I dumped the rest of the glue stick through the gun and flooded the basin with hot glue to make sure it all bonded as one and looked as if it was one piece of ice now. Finally I took some of the two types of flock I had and sprinkled them onto the hot glue before it cooled in the hope it would stick and hold. It did.

I’m happy with how it worked out, and now I have a frozen fountain of youthful knowledge to use in scenario one of the main rulebook.

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