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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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A year late, but...

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 3
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My wife and I usually celebrate the holidays with an advent calendar of some sort. I picked up Mantic’s Bar Room Brawl advent calendar on clearance last January and have been sitting on it ever since — now, it’s finally time to go through it.

Ideally I would paint the pieces as they come out, so the game will be ready to play when we get the final piece (and the rules) on day 24. The timing will be a little tricky, especially as my last-minute Terrainfest project is taking up considerably more of my hobby time than I had anticipated.

These are for a game that will likely get played once a year and then get packed up with the Christmas decorations, so while I want the models to look good I don’t want to spend too much time on them. The furniture pieces are already in brown plastic so they shouldn’t take long to do, and I could conceivably skip the tables and chairs if I run out of time.

These are the first three actual miniatures. They’re very nice resin sculpts with a lot of fine detail. I did these almost entirely in textbook slap chop, just adding a little extra detail to the paladin’s armor and hitting all three with a final drybrush of Reaper Yellowed Bone (my version of Brainmatter Beige) to bring out the highlights. After priming them in between working on other stuff, I managed to knock these three out in about an hour.

2024 models painted so far: 250, for 8 different games

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