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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Battle Report No. 10

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Game 10.

This game saw my son use his now fully painted Kinshi Temple as he claimed that he has figured out how to play them. As a change, I took his Temple of RoKan for a run out. I wasn’t really sure how to play this faction, but I thought it could be fun.

For my Temple of RoKan (TRK) I had Yim, Haru, Saruka, Riku, Ume and Kosuke. Kosuke is new (the others are described in previous posts in this project but they’re all monks) and an angry ape wielding a massive maul. I also took the Gorinto terrain piece to generate some extra Ki (as TRK monks are all about the Ki).

For the Kinshi temple, my son had Master Shi, Hishigata, a Kami of the Empty Mind, Kodai, Batsu, Ku and Shikaku. He also gets some Void Rifts that his models can pass through giving a lot of extra movement. I would describe what these models do, but I’m not entirely sure I fully understand the Kinshi Temple yet…..

We just went for a straight fight rather than a scenario.

Turn 1.

Kosuke is quick and I wasted no time moving him up the board and getting him in to melee with Hishigata, who had made his way forward. Using Kosuke’s ‘Flow Like Water’ Ki feat and Combo Attack, Kosuke gave Hishigata a significant slapping with that giant maul. The Combo Attack special ability allowed extra damage to be piled on and as Hishigata put no dice in defence, the damage was enough to kill him. First blood to TRK but the death of a Kinshi model does allow my son to add a counter to the Void Card. The more counters here, the more powerful the remaining Kinshi models get…..

Some Turn 1 close up action as Kosuke takes on HishigataSome Turn 1 close up action as Kosuke takes on Hishigata

Turn 2

As I normally play the Cult of Yurei faction, melee isn’t something that we usually want to get into but having Kosuke is a novelty and I waste no time getting him to take on Kodai. I manage to get some damage down but find out that Kodai is Durable and so this damage is reduced to 1. Kodai on the other hand deals out 6 damage. Ouch.

I use Saruka’s Fireball Ki feat to blast Kodai for 1 damage and set him on fire, giving him a fire token. 

My son then used Shikaku’s Ki feat, Look into the Void. I’m aware of this as one of my Cult models has this Ki feat but it’s not so funny when on the receiving end. It’s pretty powerful and Kosuke is killed.

Batsu then uses his Scorched Earth Ki feat to create a burning terrain feature over Ume, so Ume gets a fire token.

Master Shi uses his ranged attack on Saruka and rolls well. It’s a Combo Attack and the extra damage kills Saruka.

It’s not a good turn for me and to make matters worse, Ume takes damage from the fire token at the end of the turn.

It all gets a bit messy in and around the sumo ringIt all gets a bit messy in and around the sumo ring

Turn 3

Ume gets into combat with the Kami and kills it but this adds more tokens to the Void card and the Kinshi get more powerful. It unlocks new and better shared Ki feats for them.

Master Shi is able to range attack Yim for some damage (again with the pesky Combo Attack being the difference)

Haru then comes in for some attention, firstly from Ku who is able to do some damage and then from Batsu who fails. But Haru is up to the task and causes wounds against Ku and Batsu with some nifty bujutsu.

Batsu is now exhausted, having spent 2 Activation tokens, so I use this opportunity to have Riku attack. This gives me extra attack dice and Batsu gets a firm kicking.

Shikaku again uses Look into the Void, this time at Yim. Yim takes a lot of damage and promptly dies.

Ku now gets in on the Look into the Void act and attacks Riku. This also succeeds and Riku takes damage. 

During the end phase, both Haru and Riku have picked up fire markers during the turn and the wounds now take effect. Sadly, they both burn to death.

This leaves me with just Ume. At this point, I’m well and truly beaten and so concede a very one side match.

Seems that my son has figured out how to play the Kinshi Temple…..

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