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PanzerKaput's Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

PanzerKaput's Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

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Third Unit finished, Beast-Skewer Killbow

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Beast-Skewer KillbowBeast-Skewer Killbow

I love this kit, it is fun to build and paint. There is so much character in this and love this as a vignette on its own.

Orruks are not renowned for their ability to shoot straight, but the Kruleboyz known as ‘Big Shots’ understand the benefit of maiming your prey from as far
away a possible. Beast-skewer Killbow ire designed to take down the realms’ mightiest monsters, and the oversized missiles they hurl can indeed punch through several inches of armoured hide or bone plating with ease. Such is the force with which these missiles strike home that they can also impale several man-sized targets at once.

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