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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Apologies, ive just realised the Project system must have glitched and the last turn didnt update so hear it is!

As we enter the final turn the inspired charges of the earlier rounds were paying off for the Hundred Kingdoms as they had scored well off the objectives and were sittng comfortably on a 5 – 0 lead. Could they hold their early gains from the insidious Spires….

Pheromancer cast Pheromantic Overdrive on the Abomination causing him to attack twice, first attack causes 5 wounds after resolve and the second caused 2 wounds after resolve.

He aslo cast Lethargy on the Order of The Sealed TEmple.

Household Knights clash the Abonination causing 2 wounds

The Biomancer then heals 3 wounds on the Abomination

Order Of The Sealed Temple clash the Brutes causing 8 wounds after resolve.

The Brutes then heal 4 and clash the Order Of the Sealed Temple causing 9 wounds and wiping them out.

Crimson Tower charge the Force Grown Drones and wipe them from the field with ease!

The Force Grown Drones on the left fail their charge against the Ashen Dawn.

The Ashen Dawn then charge into the Force Grown Drones causing a mighty 23 wounds, decimating the unit.

The Aftermath

And with the final charge of the Ashen Dawn in Turn five we called the game.

It was obvious there was no way back for the filthy Spires and they retreated back to their termite mounds to grow some more meatbags.

Really enjoyed finally geting to use my Cavalry list, and im sure there will be  rematch on the cards soon.

Until then im planning on looking to venture to some tournaments with them in 2025 so watch this space!


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