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Terrainfest - MCP in Southeast Asia

Terrainfest - MCP in Southeast Asia

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Buildings and the market start

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I had been sitting on files for the Maeklong railway market for years and thought MCP would be a good setting to finally print them out. The files are from Atlas 3DSS and during the Kickstarter were listed as scale to 32mm. Perfect for MCP. I checked Atlas 3DSS’s myminifactory page to see if there had been any file updates and discovered the files had actually been scaled to 28mm. So, after some quick calculations, I upscaled everything to 114%. After the first print I thought it might have been a hair bit small. After a bit more thinking on the matter to obvious suddenly clicked in my mind. 28mm scale covers a range from 1/56 to 1/48. The files were in 28mm, but were on the smaller side of 1/56. Oops. After some model checking though, I didn’t think it would be an issue and it would allow me to use the buildings in other 32mm scale games that maybe don’t use heroic size. I was thinking this board and terrain set would work well with modern “historical” games as well.

I checked with a friend who is currently exclusively playing MCP and confirmed that the game doesn’t really do or need playable interiors to buildings, which was great as the buildings I was printing did not have playable interiors and would not be easy to convert to do so. I started printing out various items to fill the market because details are fun.

As the printing continued it was time to start getting some paint thrown about….

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