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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Yet more terrain

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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I put these two models together in 3D Builder based upon some free STL files that I downloaded. They’re both scans of real world statues, in the case of the lone figure, this was from a temple in Bali (and no, I’ve not been to Bali).

First up is just a generic temple statue. I’ve painted in exactly the same way as the previous statues, namely luftwaffe grey, nightshade wash and a light grey drybrush for the stone. The bronze was shiny bronze and then just a nihilakh oxide wash which then gets quickly wiped off.

Yet more terrain

Next is a Cult of Yurei piece of terrain that can be purchased as part of your warband. In game, at the start of each turn, any enemy model with a couple of inches has to give up 1 Ki point and when you have collected 5, the statue is destroyed and you can give these 5 Ki to any friendly model. Handy.

Painting wise, this is just another bronze and painted in the same way as all the others. It’s quick and easy to knock several of these out in a night.

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