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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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Scum and Villainy in the Napolionic age

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
Scum and Villainy in the Napolionic age

Recently I have had a fancy to play some small scale Napolionic skirmishes on the table top, with that in mind I set about deciding on which country to build a force for. As always a new army starts with a rummage through the pile of shame.

I found some cool stuff, the warlord peninsula veterens set, some spannish gurillas on horses an old victrix cannon with no crew and some thugs and deserters from the silver bayonet.

It was with this last find that I decided rather than going with the 95th rifles and the brave charismatic Richard Sharpe I would go with Sergeant Hakeswills robbers and rogues, a vicious band of thugs and cutthroats plundering baggage trains and chasing pay chests not caring if its British, French or Spannish gold.

Turns out I had enough chaps to make a 400 point force for shakos and bayonets this rule set should work perfectly for the small scale skirmishes I have in my minds eye.

The only other thing I needed to do was have the whole thing built and painted in 5 days as I had a new game arriving at the end of the week and I new if it was not done by then it would slip back into the shame pile.

With that in mind I went with a simple undercoat, block out colours with speedpaints followed by a bone drybrush then army painter strong tone and a matt varnish. Bam 💥  job done.

The force itself is based on a spannish list as that opens up options for gurilla infantry and reluctant line infantry which I think will fit the idea of the small force perfectly.

The small force will be lead by the French deserter pot au feu  who turned up in sharpes enemy

He is ment to be in a green uniform but I forgot so now he wears a nice red uniform probably stolen from an officer he shot I’m the back or looted from a baggage train.

The leaders of the thieves and blaggards. The main officer In charge is pot au fue a French deserter who used to work as a cook, his second in command is obediah Hakeswil and the last but not least is tge quartermaster who keeps hold of the gold and dishes it out to the rebels (he counts as a priest in the rules, I guess money is as goid as religion to them)The leaders of the thieves and blaggards. The main officer In charge is pot au fue a French deserter who used to work as a cook, his second in command is obediah Hakeswil and the last but not least is tge quartermaster who keeps hold of the gold and dishes it out to the rebels (he counts as a priest in the rules, I guess money is as goid as religion to them)
Two units of reluctant line infantry with the colours stained black so their enemy's no they have no loyalty to country and surrender is not an optionTwo units of reluctant line infantry with the colours stained black so their enemy's no they have no loyalty to country and surrender is not an option
Small band of gurilla fighters great for setting up ambushes and covering the flanks. Made up of British French and spannish troops.Small band of gurilla fighters great for setting up ambushes and covering the flanks. Made up of British French and spannish troops.
The glory Boys are not so glorious in this force, more likely to run away than charge into combat these chaos are well known to skulk at the back waiting for the enemy's to break before running them down for easy pickingsThe glory Boys are not so glorious in this force, more likely to run away than charge into combat these chaos are well known to skulk at the back waiting for the enemy's to break before running them down for easy pickings
Last but not least is the pig, its called this as the cannon is cobbled together from scraps found on old battle fields, the limber lost its wheels and is dragged along by two cows as the horses were taken by the cavelry to fill the ranks. Although this unit is always low on ammunition its useful for turning the tide of a battle with a last minute blast of grape shot Last but not least is the pig, its called this as the cannon is cobbled together from scraps found on old battle fields, the limber lost its wheels and is dragged along by two cows as the horses were taken by the cavelry to fill the ranks. Although this unit is always low on ammunition its useful for turning the tide of a battle with a last minute blast of grape shot

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Cult of Games Member

There should be a law against Hobby Butterflies. First you tempt us stable hobbyist and gamers with your new shiny stuff; make us go out and buy more; then before we can take the stuff out of our boxes you start something else and re-trigger our collector genes. Yes, you should all be sent to the gallows and put to death for the sake and stability of the world economy.

Also, I really like your Napoleonic stuff.

Cult of Games Member

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