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From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

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Thoughts on building armies with a theme

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 5
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I believe I have an answer to my issue with painting armies in a timely manner. I must first have the parts in place before I start… and an actual idea that I’m painting an army.

This all comes from my first build, contrasting it with my present build and forecasting my next one. Having a plan instead of just winging it with the accumulation of units seems so simple but wasn’t obvious in the performance. There’s a difference in being present and experiencing directly to removed analysis. That all being said I am pleased to say that the current Harryhausen Hellenists (a working title) are coming out better than I expected with a loose plan.

My next army concept to work out is still split between doing Joseon Koreans or Warring State Chinese. I have both armies on standby with figures ready to be primed and get painting underway. I’m still a bit mixed on how to carry on with the projects as it seems painting is the easy part now. Giving all the inspiration and sharing visual input to what led my brain is the key to the thing. I could show “here’s unit 1, 2, 3, etc. painted and that’s the finished army”. Its good to see that but I want to share my process of.. well… processing visual information and give others something to munch on for their own ideas.

If any of this is helping anybody else out I’d be glad to hear back from people. Yelling into the void only works as I play Dredge or other Lovecraftian games.

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