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legions imperialis board

legions imperialis board

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Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Before sealingBefore sealing
After SealingAfter Sealing

My first attempt at some weathering was to use a grey weathering powder and then seal it with some matt varnish. I tried to go heavy with the powder but unless it was in the cracks it seem to largely disappear when varnished.

The next effort was to give the tiles a drybrush using grey paint. I am not sure it make a lot of difference as the side by side below shows but it does tone down the blue roads a bit.

I assembled a section to see what it looks like and now it time for a lot of magnets, 2 per side although it could take 4 per side.

Grey DryBrushGrey DryBrush
Before and after DrybrushingBefore and after Drybrushing

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