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Full Spectrum Dominance CitizenCon Project

Full Spectrum Dominance CitizenCon Project

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#UPDATE 8 - Components and Storage

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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In between printing, painting and sorting out the gaming table, I was also sourcing all the components we needed to play FSD.

This started with the dice, 24 green 6-sided 10mm for the activation dice (12 per side).
Then a selection of combat dice, four of each: d6, d8, d10 and d12.
All small scale too and different colours each type for easy identification and some red cubes to be used as markers/tokens.

I also 3D printed off two unit measurement sticks with 3-inch segments, 1 Distance Unit = 3 inches.
Even chucked in a small-scale measuring tape and laser pointers.

Next, the unit and mission cards were printed from a card printing website with the dimensions:
63mm x 88mm, Card stock: (S30) Standard Smooth.

To transport all the models, terrain and components I used the awesome WarChest carry case from TableTop Upgrades which has magnetised shelf’s.

Once completed, everything managed to fit into one side of my suitcase and I was able to fit all my clothes into the other side, just about worked! haha.

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