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So I won a copy of Hivestorm in a raffle...

So I won a copy of Hivestorm in a raffle...

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In the beginning...

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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…There was bare plastic and a cardboard mat.


My initial thoughts at this early stage was to just build the terrain and make it all as pretty as possible. But I soon figured that if I wanted a nice photography set, I would need to build a full, rigid board with a decent layout that gave me enough space to play with to the “front” of the set.


So, the board itself.

The plus side is that it provides a known dimension to work with.

The negative side to that is I had no material to hand that covered it in one piece. Therefore I had to cut some poster board in to two sections.

My next thought was about rigidity. If I just used the poster board the whole thing would wobble, crack and cause other problems.

How did I fix this you may ask?

I glued the f***ing poster board sections to the cardboard mat from the box!

This way, it makes the board rigid and uses a component form the box that I was fully intending on binning. That’s recycling!

I also chose a layout that the hivestorm book shows as one of the scenarios. I liked how that looked and got to work building, swearing and gluing!

The layout built, placed, measured correctly and glued down! The layout built, placed, measured correctly and glued down!

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Cult of Games Member

So those bits of cardboard are useful for something!

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