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Gorram's Grand Army Project

Gorram's Grand Army Project

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November Project: Night Goblins Part 3

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The time difference for the rally this weekend means that stages aren’t starting until 10.30pm and then run until 7am. I’ve not watched all the way through Thursday or Friday but I have stayed up until after 2am (which is late for me.. I’m one of those sad early to bed weirdos). There’s something really nice about very late night painting sessions, a level of guilt-free enjoyment. You can’t do anything else without disturbing other people so just sit for hours and enjoy yourself.

Friday night got the five fanatics painted (I still haven’t found the sixth one). These are very delicate miniatures. I managed to break one within the first five minutes. I really would rather have the old metal fanatics but they’ve been ridiculously priced every time I’ve looked on eBay so these are what I have.

These are going to be a bugger to base – even being plastic models, they are going to need heavy weighting on their final bases.

November Project: Night Goblins Part 3

I also got through the two squig herders done. This leaves me just ten squig hoppers left to paint on the final night of the rally. I’m writing this during the first stage and there’s already been a big drama moment so who knows how much sleep/painting I’ll get done!!

November Project: Night Goblins Part 3

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