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For Whom the Bell Tolls

For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8

Getting close to finishing the painting 🙂

A note on Playability 

A key element for added playability is multiple points of entry. I made some interesting ruins before, but sometimes they only had one or two entry points which was limiting from a tactical view.

For this larger building, I made sure there was plenty of ways to enter the building: there are two doors (first floor and the basement), a broken down wooden terrace/balcony where it would be easy to set up a ladder or even a bridge to another building. The last entry point is the collapsed brick wall in the basement.

Another element for playability is to leave enough room for a human hand to reach within and move a model around. My initial prototype had a bigger roof for the basement with longer planks, but it was way too difficult to put your hand inside the building 🤷‍♂️

The door has hinges to open and closeThe door has hinges to open and close

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Cult of Games Member

This is a beautiful build.

Cult of Games Member

phenomenal, this is a work of art! the table protector mat came up really well. the different colour bricks look ace too. so much to love about this… except the lack of a two wheeled mechanical single human transportation device… a Velocipede for example

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