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Gorram's Gotham

Gorram's Gotham

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Holding Pattern

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4

Sadly I’ve got to stop work on this project. After a few weeks of working away in the background on it, I’ve had to have a serious chat with myself. 


Firstly, I don’t have the storage space for a table this ambitious without some serious re-organisation of my flat. I had imagined some storage Tetris but it involved buying some new shelving units this side of Christmas. That brings me to the second reason for stopping.

I can’t afford to build the table the way I want right now. A major part of the table is going to be far more expensive than I had imagined and developments at work over the last month mean I’m a lot less sure how secure my job is. I need to batten down the financial hatches for the next few months while we wait on an outcome there.

So this is where I got up to. Three kits built and dreams put on a shelf. Maybe I’ll be able to come back to it for TerrainFest 2025.

Holding Pattern

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nightrunnerJill Gorram144artist Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very sorry to see this put on pause as I enjoy your posts and love Batman. I hope things work out for you quickly.

Cult of Games Member

For the sake of humanity and civilization itself, the government should step in and give wargamers bigger homes for their terrain and permanent gaming boards. How else is the human race expected to survive?

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