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All the Small Things

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Take 3, an overdue update

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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So I’ve typed an update for this project three times now and each time it has failed to update or save my text or uploads. Pretty frustrated so not going into great detail this time haha.


The second building saw me building decking and expanding on the building with foam for some variety. I wanted to expand the playable surface and was inspired by some open aired seating I enjoyed while in Bavaria this summer. I love building with crafting sticks as apply similiar techniques I’ve used in real life while building decking with my dad. Obviously I cheat it a bit on the 28/32mm scale haha.

The stucco was done using dollar store foam texture with a aluminum foil ball. I like to use dry components when possible as they keep my work cleaner, don’t need additional dry time, and are cleaner. 🙂

I had originally considered a roof but threw the idea out when I couldn’t get the look down I was happy with.

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