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Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)

Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)

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A Fistful of Plastic (and Other Materials): Comparing Miniature Materials (unscientifically and incompletely, but hopefully humorously)

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Miniatures companies using different materials is nothing new, and most people in the hobby already have their preferences, so one could reasonably argue that the video below is entirely unnecessary and superfluous, and they’d be right!

In this one we look at Pewter, Siocast, PVC, an interesting 3D print material, and Reaper Bones Black (a very hard plastic), along with some H.I.P.S. plastic (ye olde sprue) thrown in for good measure. Much ridiculousness ensues. The comparison was inspired by Reaper miniatures greatly diversifying what they make minis out of over the last few years (in some cases having the same miniature available in three different materials- madness!), and wanting to try some of them out.

Here’s a quiz: Before watching the video, guess which miniatures are made from which materials in the picture below (answer to be found in the video).

Hope you enjoy!

A host of different miniatures in different materials! (Some conversions mix a couple of different materials... I made and photographed the models before thinking of quizzing you on what's what.)A host of different miniatures in different materials! (Some conversions mix a couple of different materials... I made and photographed the models before thinking of quizzing you on what's what.)

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The Cheap Dragonhorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Reaper also did a short lived P65 range that was lead before even the Bones line was created. You can still get that fine fingerlicking flavor for future episodes if you look out for it. The Bones dragon, along with any other mini in that material line, seems to be a PVC material and is notorious for not liking rattlecan primers. It seems that the propellant causes the gummy/tacky texture. The PVC will take primer if applied with a brush or airbrush with no problem. Now, my poor dragon friend you have witnessed a human doing the unthinkable with the… Read more »

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