The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai
The Jeff table
Hello fellow Jeffanatic. I am assuming that by having this document you are aware that Jeffs are legion and can be found all over the multiverse. This document will help you record your Jeff’s adventures so that we can better know each others Jeff and record their actions for prosperity.
Each quarter your Jeff can go on an adventure following a general theme. Exactly what this adventure entails is mostly up to you, be it a trip to the shops or an epic journey to a sentient volcano to get rid of the rubbish, however it should broadly fit in with the theme for that quarter.
Q1 Fetch Quest – Jeff must go and get something or someone from somewhere.
Q2 Protect Quest – Jeff must protect something or someone from a threat.
Q3 Delivery Quest – Jeff must deliver something or someone to somewhere or someone.
Q4 Thwart Quest – Jeff must foil an adversaries plans.
The following are a series of questions to help record the events of your Jeff’s adventures in order to share them with the Bedroom Battlefields community and enable use to get a better understanding of what is out there in the Jefferverse.
The name of Jeff’s handler:
The name of the game Jeff interacted with:
What was Jeff’s Quest, where did it take place and why did he take part in it?:
How did Jeff do on their Quest?:
What memorable events happened on this quest?:
Are there any long term implications for your Jeff as a result of this adventure?:
PTO for Jeff’s Wild Magic Table. Recommended to be used once per game the 1st time Jeff fails in casting a spell, or every time he miscasts if you want true madness at your table! For use with a D6, D12 or D20.
Jeff’s Wild Magic Spell Table
1. Animal Transformation. Jeff accidentally turns his nearest follower into a chicken (or alternative bird or animal, depending on your collection). They remain in this form until the end of the game. Provide an appropriate stat block and use the model as normal, with logical limitations for the new shape of the model.
2. Living Architecture. The nearest building transforms into a slow-moving but powerful golem that rampages for three turns before crumbling into rubble. Roll to determine if the building is a friend or enemy of Jeff’s. Use an appropriate stat block for a gigantic model in the game system you are using.
3. Beard Fire. Jeff’s beard catches on fire. He must spend all his next actions moving directly to the nearest pond, river, or water source where the fire can be extinguished. Alternatively he can move into BtB contact with an ally and the 2 models spend 1 turn putting out the fire.
4. Instant Dance Party. All characters within 10 feet of Jeff, friend and foe alike, are compelled to dance for one turn, unable to perform any other actions. Play some appropriate music for the models to dance to for the duration of the Instant Dance Party.
5. Sticky Situation. The ground within a 5-foot radius of Jeff becomes extremely sticky. Anyone entering the area, including Jeff, moves at half speed for the next two turns. The area also smells of elderberries.
6. Unexpected Teleport. Jeff and the nearest enemy swap places. This sudden teleportation can cause strategic confusion and chaos on the battlefield. Both models get a small defensive bonus for the rest of the turn as a result of the surprise caused to those around them.
7. Oh bugger… some local flora has come to life, singing songs and growing teeth in its mouth. Randomly select a biological terrain piece within 18”. This is now a static monster with a zone of influence of 4”. Anything wandering into, or already in!, that area is immediately attacked by this creature. Stat line as appropriate for a voracious 8’ tall singing plant with insatiable hunger for meat.
8. Summon Luggage. Jeff’s spell summons his luggage instead of whatever he was trying to do. Roll a D6. 1-2 the luggage is normal non living storage vessels filled with clothes. 3-4 it’s a mimic on the rampage with much teeth and legs and screams. 5-6 Jeff has found his loyal luggage mimic and can control it for the remainder of the game.
9. Power Drain. This has never happened before, honestly. Jeff suddenly feels the pressure of the world pressing in on him and loses his magic powers for d3 turns.
10. Smoke me a kipper. Jeff’s sword turns into a flaming fish for the rest of the game. It is impossible to hide. Any enemy hit by the fish takes normal sword damage with a 50% chance of catching fire. Units on fire cannot doe anything for their next turn as they try to extinguish the flames.
11. Spiders Attack. Jeff’s activities have attracted the attention of the inter dimensional spiders, again. Roll a d6, on a 4-6 the spiders web up the target of Jeff’s spell, 1-3 it’s Jeff. He or the target spends one full turn cutting himself free of the Webbs.
12. Jeff does a thing!!! His spell is successfully cast with irresistible force, nothing can stop it. Nothing! His inflated ego puts one extra magic level on him for the rest of the game.
13. Skip to the end. Jeff disappears from the table until the final turn of the game, reappearing at the highest value objective point.
14. Following Through. Jeff summons all his efforts, his body tenses with the strain of the energies he is attempting to harness. With one almighty PUSH!……… small energy bolts crackle around the seat of his trousers. That last manoeuvre has now run down the back of his knee. Jeff immediately runs to the nearest cover, (move model to nearest cover) only running from the knees down obviously, to change his smalls. All units within 2d6 inches of Jeff’s hiding place have -2 leadership (or equivalent) for one full turn while the smell wears off.
15. The Poral. Jeff loses control of his staff and accidentally opens a portal to the ‘bad’ dimension. This portal remains on the board until end of play, so put a suitable marker in place. At the beginning of every turn roll a dice, 1 in 3 chance of a wandering monster appearing from the portal and rampaging at random.
16. Doppelgänger. Jeff feels strange. A splitting headache appears. And continues. In fact some kind of mitosis is taking place, another Jeff has appeared, but he is in fact the evil Jeff (Or good Jeff if it fits your story). Immediately place this doppelgänger Jeff under the control of the enemy for the rest of the game with exactly the same stats as your Jeff. If this should happen again, from then onwards this may get a little bit confusing……….
17. The Full Monty. Jeff braces himself to cast the ‘strip power’ spell he picked up off that bloke he met in the bar last week. He casts it successfully! With a rising sense of dismay Jeff sees his spell veer off course……randomly determine a target unit or individual within 12”, friend or foe. That unit is stripped naked of clothing and armour for the rest of the battle. Reduce armour save as is appropriate. This unit now has hatred of Jeff.
18. Bring them Back. The last d6 models to have been killed rise from the dead and return to the table with half their hit points. Randomly decide if they are happy with Jeff and become allies or if they want to take vengeance.
19. Fun Run. All models within 12” of Jeff spend their next turn running. They can take no other action as they all speed across the board in a random direction. If a model would leave the board reflect their direction of travel back onto the board.
20. Quantum Leap. Jeff is transported to the next dimension of his quest like a fart in the wind. Jeff can no longer take part in this game, remove the model……until Next time.
This is a lot to take in. I always felt that I had a higher destiny to fulfill… So, since it’s December that means Q4. I don’t really have an adversary to thwart, but I did have to put up a gate to keep the cat from coming into the bedroom at night (she’s developed a troubling habit of using my head as a scratching post in the middle of the night) so let’s go with that. The gate was found online and duly purchased. It fits in the bedroom doorway nicely, and it’s tall enough that the cat can’t… Read more »
😂🫡 you are a Jeff among many Jeff’s. This is your Jeff story that will one day rest along with all the other recorded tales of the Jeff verse. Much like Ace Rimmers.
I encourage you to read your exploits in my mega game battle report.
I also encourage you to play with magic and roll on the Jeff table!