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Draconis Does….. TerrainFest 2024

Draconis Does….. TerrainFest 2024

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GW Spooky Trees

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So, alongside the thin armature trees I planned to use some of my old GW ‘spooky’ trees.

They are much thicker than the armature ones, but I am hoping that using the same clump foliage (rather than the flat plastic leaves) on them will tie them all together.

After filling some of the larger gaps with milliput they were given the same black followed by brown overspray, and a drybrush of Deneb Stone. They also had a thinned wash of ‘strong tone’.

Then I picked out the stones on the base (Deneb stone again) and started with the clump foliage. I had purchased some contact glue, but did go back to my almost set super glue, to make stringy connections between branches.

When finished they sort of look like Bonsai trees 😊

GW Spooky Trees
GW Spooky Trees

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