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Draconis Does….. TerrainFest 2024

Draconis Does….. TerrainFest 2024

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Tree Extensions

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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11th November 2024

Having carried out the test of the armature and clump foliage, one of the things I wanted to do was have some taller trees. As the basic armature is only 3” height.

I did debate just buying larger armatures, but I am still in the mind set of trying to make use of what I have already.

Searching around I found some wooden skewers. These were close in diameter to the base of the tree armatures. I cut one down then drilled a hole into each end. The armature piece pushed into the top hole, and for the bottom I used a piece of paper clip as a pin.

Tree Extensions

This gave it some good height, so I did the same for 5 other trees, using different lengths of wooden skewer for each.

Next up I mixed up some milliput for covering the skewers. This was to strengthen the connection at the bottom as well as to give it a more natural look.

At this stage I also made some rough stumps of side branches up the trunk, to give some more visual interest and to look like limbs that had been cut off. This was rolled out to all the trees.

Then I sprayed them black, followed by brown. The result at that point was too brown, so I then went in and drybrushed them over with Deneb Stone (an old foundation paint). This did improve the appearance I feel.

Finally it was the time consuming part of adding the clump foliage to them all 😊

Tree Extensions
Tree Extensions

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