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Baba Yaga's Wandering Hut

Baba Yaga's Wandering Hut

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Priming the Terrain

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Auto Primer for the WinAuto Primer for the Win

One of the first things I needed to do with the printed pieces was do a little cleanup.

My buddy shared that he was still dialing in some of the settings. He mentioned that the heat settings resulted in some unexpected expansion.

I busted out my files and sanded down the sides of the interior fireplace.  Due to some of the expansion, I had to cut off some of the pegs that allowed the upper roof to attach onto the lower floor and glued in some cut paperclips.  I drilled out the openings for the pegs too.  I didn’t take any pictures of this process before I painted the building.  You can see the pegs and holes after I painted parts of the buildings down below.

I also cleaned up some of the stray filament, but that was very minimal with this print.

After this cleanup, I used a can of automotive primer.  This paint was designed as a filler.  So it’s basically a very thick spray paint that you can sand.  I sprayed this on all the pieces I’d be painting and skipped the sanding process.

Next up…painting

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