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Timber cladding

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
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I need a quick way to do timber cladding so decided to use double sided tape on thin card.

Double sided tape stuck to sheets of card.Double sided tape stuck to sheets of card.
Spray painted with Leather Brown, over white, black and grey undercoats to give subtle differences in shades.Spray painted with Leather Brown, over white, black and grey undercoats to give subtle differences in shades.
Sliced up in roughly 1cm wide strips using a guillotine. Sliced up in roughly 1cm wide strips using a guillotine.
Mixed them all up into a bundle.Mixed them all up into a bundle.
Peeled off the double-sided tape to attach them to an XPS foam shape.Peeled off the double-sided tape to attach them to an XPS foam shape.
A light drybrush with sandy yellow and some ink washes for weathering.A light drybrush with sandy yellow and some ink washes for weathering.
Finish off with a simple archway.Finish off with a simple archway.

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