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All the Small Things

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Raiding Michaels

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7

So a friend shared with me that this little Halloween villages were on sale at Michaels for $5 it got the wheels churning. I had been contemplating more Mesoamerican themed pieces (More on that later) but felt they would complement our current 5E campaign and get a lot of use. I picked up 6 and snagged a ton of my favorite crafting supply, coffee stirrers. I stockpiled a large supply of foam my employer was going to throw out and got out my hot wire cutter. The first building was a simple and i wanted to have a playable interior so magnetized the corners. I used left over granny grating from another project and order some green gel filters that were on sale to do the windows. All in all a very rewarding first build that got me confident and looking to be more adventurous on the next build.

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Nate HarriszorgJerry Garcia’s Alligator Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Michaels is full of awesome randomness. So many good finds.

Brilliant work on that house/building 👍

Cult of Games Member

Your terrain building is looking fantastic for gaming with @liono58 👍

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