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The benefits of rimming

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 10

The next stage of the process was to paint all the rims.   The benefits of rimming should not be overlooked.  It creates a nice rim or border for your model much like a frame does for a picture.  We do it with our miniatures so why not do it more with our terrain?

You can use any colour; the goal is to make the model look ‘finished’.

For dark damp passageways and that kind of thing, black rimming, in my opinion, is the way to go, although a very dark grey or brown could also work well.

If I was doing snowy terrain or rimming something with a lighter colour some soft earthy greys could look good, and for something green, maybe a more natural brown rimming.

Anyway, the point is, never underestimate how finishing off in this way can enhance other colours and create a nice effect.

The benefits of rimming
The benefits of rimming

The sewers also need some form of lighting.   I have expanded some of the sewer network further into the board to create an illusion of depth   This way I can put lights further into the board for different effects and give the impression that the sewers don’t just run around the edges of the table

The benefits of rimming
The benefits of rimming

Finally, a state-of-play shot of where I am up to.

I still have more flagstone tiles to paint, honestly, it feels like they are never-ending now.   I am looking forward to getting them done so I can move on to the slum area.

I also have to do all the individual removable covers that go under the flagstone tiles to cover up the sewer network that goes beneath the board.  These little covers will also raise all the flagstone tiles to the same height.

In this image, I have added some of the clips in place to pull the board together a bit better than in previous pictures.   It’s getting there.


The benefits of rimming

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Cult of Games Member

rimming. Oh my!

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