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I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

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Ploughing through to make some fields

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Today I do more work on the DBA terrain and the compulsory items. Previously I put the Build Up Area (BUA) together and is ready to prime. The other option for compulsory terrain is Ploughs or Fields. I bought some field matting from a model railroad site and realized once it go her that it is just fine corrugated cardboard with flock. I could have made this myself but at least I could cut this up and use it. With the amount I have I could make three 120mm by 160mm fields and two 160mm by 200mm. Plenty for my needs and these can do double duty as fields in Flames of War as well so win win.

I open up the molded rocks and cobblestone walls I also bought. These will let me show Difficult Hills and an Enclosure. The Enclosure uses Walls or Hedges to well enclose an area. Difficult Hills will use the same structure to represent hills and then the rocks signify that they are difficult movement. In DBA at 15mm scale most just use flat flocked card to represent hills to keep the tiny bases from tipping over. For now I will go this route but I like the idea of actual elevation. I need to get some foam to make better hills.

I have some Trees from my railroad order as well. I will cut out more plasticard to make bases. Those will get their edges rounded off. The sizes of these bases are going to be nine base widths of 40mm of area. Lots of cutting plasticard in my future.

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