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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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Giant Rats

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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25th October 2024

The giant rats, like many other enemy types, are only used in one scenario. As such they will receive a reasonable, but speedy, paintjob.

To start with they were given a coat of either Wyldwood or Black Templar contrast over all the fur areas.

Giant Rats

Then I picked out the tails, inner ears, paws and some snouts in a flesh pink. Adding this stage really helped to give some definition.

This was followed by an agrax wash all over, including the stone platform they sit on.

Giant Rats

Then just some finishing touches of teeth, eyes, some very minor fur highlights and basic basing – and they are ready for play. They won’t win any beauty contests, but they will do the job.

Giant Rats
Giant Rats

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