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Collins does a Frostgrave board

Collins does a Frostgrave board

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Underlying colour choices

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Underlying colour choices

Snow is a pain to do… white is the best colour to become tainted by literally anything else

sometimes that’s a good thing, but often with snow, its a pain in the arse.

As an experiment I’ve tried to add a bit of diversity to the underlying snow structure. muddy paths or murky areas where there would be a lot of footfall fading out to pure snow.

the edges I’ve decided must be pure snow to help blend each tile to the next but in-between can have all sorts going on.

this was achieved using two basic colours from the same manufacturer, a warm brown and a white. I went with a burnt umber (red/orange brown) rather than a raw umber (brown) in an attempt to add a little warmth to the areas for the next stage of them.

that’ll be to add frozen ice snow mulch mix.

sidebar: I also added a bit of sculptamold into the big grave to give it a small elevation for further interest. that’ll need whiting and the match sticks will need more grey and a tad of green but it’ll be fine

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