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I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

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Some Terrain for Terrainfest

Tutoring 2
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Terrainfest is upon us and my DBA armies are in need of some terrain elements as well as 2 foot by 2 foot board. I’m still figuring out if I want a roll up mat or something like those foam core mats that you push fit together like puzzle pieces. I want to make something portable. For now I’m going to focus on the Build Up Area or BUA as it is known in the rule book. This is an option for compulsory terrain along with some ploughed fields.

For the BUA since I’m Romans I went for a nice Roman fort using pieces from Baueda Wargames again. When the box of goodies came in I gave everything a test fit before cleaning up the mold release agent with some warm water. I used some plasticard to make a 180mm square base to attach all the pieces. Now with that ready I need the weather to cooperate so I can prime this along with some Roman buildings for my Gangs of Rome project.

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@maldroth DBA has been my nostalgia kick lately! I picked up the vintage 2.0 rules with the 2.2 sheet addendum. These are what started my historical gaming fun!

I LOVE the sheer simplicity of a 2×2 game board, the absolute wonderful balanced armies of the rules – Barker is the GOD of fun

Whenever I want to just dabble in a new era, I grab some matched 15mm DBA armies. So much fun!

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