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From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

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A small brain break

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Played with focus here and was mildly pleasedPlayed with focus here and was mildly pleased

It’s good to let your enthusiasm rest from time to time. It may be detrimental if you get too wound up on one project coming away from another but it’s a risk you need to run sometimes. I did a quick pick me up of some fake Rubric marines and have the impetus to jump back on my Greek project. I also have been inspired on another backburner idea and let my creativity run around a bit to have the mental juices flow.

I’ve also sat and played with satin varnish as a break to matte in order to let the minis shine a bit. The Green Stuff world concrete basing material wasn’t quite what I anticipated but it suffices for use. I’ll keep to the process of making texture on plasticard for my display basing and any terrain in future.

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