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It's going to be something...

It's going to be something...

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Where im up to

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

A little stock-take on where I am up to.

I have a fair bit of painting done, still lots to do and still lots more that my mechanical helpers and churning out for this.

The cobblestone roads will change as I am not happy with how they look at the moment.

Where im up to

I have heaps more to do, thankfully with my work I have been lucky in getting a block of days off all in a row.   A new job is on the horizon though, so I have to make hay whilst the sun shines.

Where im up to
Where im up to

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nightrunnerJerry Garcia’s Alligator Recent comment authors
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That table is simply amazing…

Cult of Games Member

A fantastic project and a brilliant execution. I am sorry I did not notice this project before, but it flew me by. I have flagged all the posts, so there.

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