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Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)

Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)

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More heads go flying!- a conversion story

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

Sometimes you’ve just got some miniatures you think would be interesting to chop apart and glue back together in different ways. In this one we cut up a Wrath Of Kings Teknes pig head from CMON and a Bones USA (Siocast) mutant from Reaper (Hawthorne Krabbe was his name, before he lost his head at least), and threw a classic Citadel Dwarf into the mix for good measure. Enjoy!

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The Cheap Dragonhorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Lol.. great show and good to see the production value go up as you’re apparently hiring assistant staff. The cookies cannot be cheap though.

As an aside, look at Verrotwood to use your mutant and bakery boys as a cult of cooking. A miniatures agnostic game of four figures can’t be beat.

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