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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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11 more for Mythic Battles: Ragnarök

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I’m starting to play around with different painting techniques, but I want these to all look fairly consistent so these were done the same as most of the others for this game: black primer, drybrush the main dominant color, then fill in details with speedpaints, regular paint, and/or washes as needed.

Goddess Sif and Heroes Egill and Sigmund

Dwarves, Light Elves, and the human form of Bodvar Bjarki, who apparently manifests a giant armored polar bear when he’s asleep (unfortunately I haven’t painted that one yet).

I did a bit more layering than usual on the Light Elves in an attempt to give them a glow. Same for the Dwarves, as I was trying to match the source artwork which is of course very dark and has them lit in blueish light.

With these done I’ve only got 40 more to do in order to get the core box done, then another 16 to cover the Asgard and Destroyer expansions. I’d love to at least finish all of the core box miniatures by the end of the year, but I’m not sure if I can manage that and a Terrainfest project, especially since I’ve just started prepping another batch of Gangs of Rome models…

2024 models painted so far: 195, for 5 different games

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