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Collins Does Combat Patrol

Collins Does Combat Patrol

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The first Space Marines for 15 years

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Now, I’m not going to lie, I was like everyone else and aggrieved when GW moved to primarius marines. I had zero reasons to be as I didn’t play the game, I didn’t own any minis at that point (I’d sold them years before) and quite frankly I was just being butt hurt about it for no reason other than GW kicked my dog.

I previously had a load of Dark Angels, and by loads, I like everyone else had an entire company of them (5th Company to be precise), all in transports and with a cool command rhino too (Damocles???). The only ones I didn’t sell were the first ones I ever painted. they’ll never go.

Collins aged 8 and half.... maybe 11 and 3 eighths Collins aged 8 and half.... maybe 11 and 3 eighths

for my foray into combat patrol and the new models I decided to branch out from green good bad confused-definitely-hiding-something guys. I’d seen on the XLBS recently Ben talking about the blood ravens from the PC game Dawn of War.

As such, to give myself that lovely nostalgia kick, I too embarked on the red painting crusade…

The first Space Marines for 15 years
The first Space Marines for 15 years
The first Space Marines for 15 years
The first Space Marines for 15 years

The painting of this was somewhat home brewed, didn’t follow a painting guide for this one but I am super happy with how they came out.

started off with mephiston red and washed it down with nuln oil and then layered back up mephiston and then edge highlighted up with evil sunz scarlet.

the shoulder pads were easy. Screaming skull with recess shade of agrax earth shade. the edges were German grey highlighted with light German grey (because it was within reach)

the guns swords and bits were done with the new army painter speed paints, hoplite gold, talos bronze and enchanted steel.

the decals came from Etsy forgotten chapters and were put on using micro sol and micro set which is honestly micro magic.

See below for the work in progress and research pictures. but first the money shot

Money Shot!Money Shot!

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