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2024 Hobby Log

2024 Hobby Log

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Kill Team Part One

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 1
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I picked up Kill Team Hivestorm recently because everything in the box looked cool and the solo/co-op play mode interests me. There is a pretty strong local community for the game here but I’ve found them more focused on min-maxing and tournament play which is the last thing I have an interest in, especially for skirmish games. To be clear, they are a nice bunch of guys but when the main person spearheading the community doesn’t paint minis and only plays with the strongest current team, we’re just not both going to enjoy our game.

So solo Kill Team gets a roll out. Even if it isn’t fun, the models in the box are lovely and I’m excited to paint them up. The terrain doubles up on some I already had but the two big stronghold buildings will be nice additions.

A couple of evenings with a good audiobook and everything was built. Unfortunately the Scottish autumn is truly with us and spray priming had to be done over two days. I’ll cover each of the Kill Teams and the terrain in their own posts so let’s start with…

The Tempestus Aquilons

The human faction in the box were destined to be painted up as my personal Guard outfit, Rath’s Furies. The models are great and because they are for solo play, making sure the team was WYSIWYG just wasn’t a priority.


  1. Prime Colour Forge Matt Black
  2. Main armour colour was Vallejo Model Colour 70.980 Black Green
  3. Trim and metal detailing was done with Citadel Canoptek Alloy to make the metal a little warmer than a more normal (for me anyway) gun metal.
  4. Straps and leather pouches with Citadel Doombull Brown
  5. Only the leader went without her helmet to make her easier to spot on the table so she got some Citadel Kislev Flesh (wash with Citadel Reikland Fleshshade and highlight back up with Kislev)
  6. Gasmask tubing was Vallejo Model Colour 70.988 Khaki
  7. The fabric clothing under their armour was left black
  8. All the weapons were left black but got a light drybrush of Army Painter Gun Metal, as did the jumpacks
  9. The officer’s bunnet was Vallejo Model Colour 70.982 Cavalry Brown
  10. lenses on the helmets got dotted with Army Painter Fanatics Pure Red
  11. All the bases got a thin layer of Citadel Technical paint Astrogranite
  12. Everything got an all over wash with Citadel Nuln Oil
  13. Highlight back up with base colours
  14. Bases got a drybrush of  Citadel Dawnstone around the edges leaving under the model darker thanks to the Nuln Oil. It is a bit of a cheat but it gives a rough idea of shadow
  15. They are sci fi minis so of course they were rimmed with black

Over all they took a day to get done, most of that being because I find trim work mind numbingly tedious and kept getting up to make another cup of tea. I’ve happy with the end result though; they would look better with an extra pass of highlights but I’ve turned into a much lazier painter over the last couple of years and rarely bother with anything more than just a highlight with base colours.

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