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Nurgle, Nurgle, quite horrid purple, how does your Garden grow?

Nurgle, Nurgle, quite horrid purple, how does your Garden grow?

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4 Oct 24: Lord of Plagues

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The last human-ish sized mini for this project is another Terminator Lord. This was a much more-straight forward conversion. Essentially, a hand swap with the Typhus conversion. Some greenstuff work to rebuild the wrists, that’s about it.

The scythe blade height meant that I had to prop it up higher on something, so wood chips from the garden will become rocks when I do the basing.
One thing I should have paid more attention to was how the feet were placed: there were gaps left that don’t look good.

I used some chunky sand-grit and glue to fill in the gap under the foot, and an excess of PVA with Citadel Death Guard Green mixed in. The intention was to fill the gap with the sand to look like stone and gravel, but also a slick of slime from the pile of Nurglings under his foot.

The slime look kind of worked, so I bulked it up with more PVA and topped it off with Citadel Nurgle’s Rot technical.

4 Oct 24: Lord of Plagues
4 Oct 24: Lord of Plagues

One Bloat-Drone and one Plagueburst Crawler vehicle to go.

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