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Interlude - Crawl and Opening Scene (STAR WARS)

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Idea 1
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The Corrax Reckoning

The Corrax Sector, long plagued by inefficiency and disobedience, has drawn the ire of the Emperor. The Empire has dispatched its most feared enforcer amid growing unrest and political failures.

On board the Super Star Destroyer Bastion, Grand Moff Natassia Veshenn has arrived to restore order with ruthless precision. Her mission is to eliminate those who have failed the Empire and secure total sector control.

As the Grand Moff descends upon Corrax Prime, the civilian council gathers in fearful anticipation. Unbeknownst to them, their fate, and that of Moff Nedar, will be decided with swift Imperial justice….


The camera tilts slowly, showing the vastness of space, stars twinkling in the distance. Suddenly, the SSD Bastion (Super Star Destroyer) emerges from hyperspace. Its colossal silhouette dominates the screen, flanked by Imperial-class Star Destroyers. The soft glow of distant stars illuminates their sleek, angular forms as they descend toward the planet Corrax Prime.

The camera tilts down, following the fleet as they close in on Corrax Prime, a world shrouded in thick clouds, with the occasional crack of thunder visible from space. The camera cuts to the surface, where the capital city looms, bathed in an overcast, cold light. The metallic skyline reflects the soft drizzle that has begun to fall, creating a melancholy, oppressive atmosphere.

Cut to the Imperial platform outside the Imperial Palace.

The platform, drenched in rain, glistens under the dull light. Governor Orlan Krevv, flanked by his Governor’s Guard, stands stiffly, adjusting his collar against the rain. His eyes constantly dart skyward. To his left stands Moff Cirel Nedar, his expression unnervingly calm, though a subtle tension ripples beneath his skin. Nedar’s guards stand at attention, but their hands hover too close to their blasters.

Standing off to the right is Colonel Vargo Krennel, the imposing head of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) in the Corrax Sector. His pristine white ISB uniform contrasts against the gloomy backdrop, and his cold eyes survey the scene with military precision. Flanked by two ISB commandos, Krennel’s presence adds tension to the gathering.

The camera slowly sweeps across the civilian council members gathered at the far side of the platform. Their formal robes, now damp, do little to hide their unease. Some exchange quick, fearful glances, while others stare fixedly at the ground, unwilling to meet anyone’s gaze. The rain falls steadily, its soft patter providing the only sound beyond the occasional low rumble of thunder.

A distant whine of engines grows louder, cutting through the rainy atmosphere. The camera tilts upward as a sleek Imperial shuttle descends through the misty clouds. The shuttle lands softly on the platform, steam rising from the vents as the ramp slowly lowers.

Grand Moff Natassia Veshenn emerges at the top of the ramp, her black cloak billowing slightly in the rain-soaked wind. A flash of lightning in the distance briefly illuminates her sharp, cold features. Her piercing blue eyes lock onto the group below as she strides down the ramp with absolute authority. Behind her, a squad of Death Troopers, led by the imposing, helmeted Commander Kadris Vorn, marches in perfect unison, their black armour gleaming in the rain.

Cut to a close-up of Grand Moff Veshenn’s face as she approaches.

Her expression is unreadable, her eyes cold and calculating. The camera lingers on her boots as they strike the wet platform, sending small water splashes in every direction.

She stops in front of Moff Nedar, her gaze unwavering. The soft sound of rain and the low hum of the shuttle’s engines are the only noises as the tension builds.

Nedar forces a smile on his face, though his nervousness is palpable. His voice trembles as he begins to speak.

Moff Nedar: “Grand Moff Veshenn, welcome to Corrax Prime. I assure you, the sector is—”

Veshenn cuts him off with a single, piercing glance. Her gaze, sharp as a vibroblade, freezes Nedar in place.

Grand Moff Veshenn (coldly): “Moff Nedar, the Emperor is most displeased with your handling of this sector.”

The camera tightens on Nedar, his forced smile fading as fear flashes across his eyes. His voice wavers as he tries to recover.

Moff Nedar (stammering): “There must be some misunderstanding, Grand Moff. I’ve served the Empire loyally. My record—”

Close-up on Grand Moff Veshenn’s face. Her expression hardens. She steps closer, her voice lowering to a deadly whisper.

Grand Moff Veshenn: “The Emperor does not tolerate incompetence, Nedar. The Corrax Sector is far below standard.”

The camera zooms in on Nedar’s face as panic starts to cross his features.

Moff Nedar (desperately): “I—I can fix this. Given more time—”

Before he can finish, Veshenn moves with lightning speed, drawing her blaster from her side. The tension in the air snaps as she fires.

Cut to a wide shot.

A crimson blaster bolt strikes Moff Nedar squarely in the chest, sending him staggering backwards. He collapses to the platform, his lifeless body motionless in the rain. Steam rises from the charred wound in his chest, mixing with the falling rain.

Cut to a reaction shot of the civilian council members.

Gasps of shock escape from the council members, their faces pale with fear. One stumbles back, covering her mouth in horror. Another shakes visibly, his eyes wide with terror. The rain continues to fall, mingling with the faint smoke from Nedar’s scorched uniform.

One of Nedar’s guards, acting on instinct, reaches for his blaster. Before he can fully draw it, two Death Troopers, flanking Commander Vorn, react simultaneously. In perfect synchronization, they raise their blasters and fire. Two crimson bolts hit the guard, sending him crumpling to the platform beside Nedar’s body.

Cut to a medium shot of Veshenn. She holsters her blaster with calm precision, her expression unchanging. The rain falls softly around her as she turns toward Colonel Vargo Krennel, whose stoic gaze does not waver, even after witnessing the execution.

Veshenn’s eyes narrow as they meet Krennel’s.

Grand Moff Veshenn (icy): “Colonel Krennel, the ISB’s surveillance in this sector has failed to prevent this… incompetence. I expect you to remedy this immediately.”

Cut to a close-up of Krennel. His face remains composed, though a flicker of unease crosses his eyes as he glances at Nedar’s lifeless body.

Colonel Krennel (measured): “Understood, Grand Moff Veshenn. The ISB will intensify its efforts. There will be no further failures.”

Veshenn’s gaze lingers on him for a long moment before she nods.

Grand Moff Veshenn: “See that there aren’t.”

She turns away, eyes sweeping over the civilian council as they tremble.

Grand Moff Veshenn (commanding): “This is the fate of those who fail the Empire. Do not think your titles will protect you.”

Close-up on the council members, trembling with fear. One of them, her voice barely a whisper, speaks.

Council Member (trembling): “We understand, Grand Moff. There will be no more failures.”

Cut to Veshenn’s eyes, narrowing as she addresses them.

Grand Moff Veshenn: “There had better not be. The Emperor will not show mercy, and neither will I.”

The council members nod hurriedly, their fear palpable. The camera lingers on their terrified expressions before cutting to Governor Krevv.

Close-up on Krevv. He stands frozen, his face pale and drenched in rain.

Grand Moff Veshenn (coldly): “Governor Krevv, the Emperor’s patience is not infinite. You will deliver results. Or you will join him.”

Veshenn nods toward Moff Nedar’s body without looking at it. Krevv swallows hard, his voice barely a whisper.

Governor Krevv: “Y-yes, Grand Moff Veshenn. I will— I will make sure the sector meets your expectations.”

Cut to a wide shot of the platform as Veshenn approaches Krevv, towering over him.

Grand Moff Veshenn: “Good. See that you do.”

She turns sharply and strides back toward the shuttle, her Death Troopers falling into formation behind her. Their movements are precise, and their boots splash in the puddles as they march up the ramp.

Cut to a medium shot as the shuttle’s ramp closes with a soft hiss. The camera tilts upward as the engines roar to life, lifting the shuttle off the rain-soaked platform.

Cut to a reaction shot of the council members and Governor Krevv, still standing in stunned silence as the shuttle disappears into the clouds. The distant rumble of thunder echoes as the presence of the SSD Bastion looms overhead, casting a dark shadow over the capital.

Close-up on Krevv as he glances at the lifeless bodies of Nedar and the fallen guard. His heart pounds in his chest as the reality of the situation settles in.

Governor Krevv (softly, to himself): “We have no choice…”

Cut to Colonel Krennel, who finally speaks, his voice cold and calculating.

Colonel Krennel: “No, we do not, Governor. But know this: if you fail her, I will be the one to inform the Emperor. And the ISB does not take kindly to incompetence.”

Krevv stiffens, the threat clear in Krennel’s words. He looks up at the ISB Colonel, swallowing hard.

Governor Krevv (nervously): “I won’t fail. I can’t fail.”

Kennel offers a thin, humourless smile as he adjusts his coat, rain still dripping from his shoulders.

Colonel Krennel: “Good. See that you don’t. I’ll be watching closely.”

With that, Krennel turns on his heel, his ISB commandos following him as he strides away from the platform. Krevv remains standing, the weight of the Empire’s expectations pressing down on him like the rain.

Final shot: the SSD Bastion hovers menacingly above the planet as the rain falls, symbolizing the Empire’s unyielding dominance.

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