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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Something strange in your neighborhood

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Something strange in your neighborhood

I backed Crooked Dice’s 7TV ’80s Genre Guide Kickstarter, but none of the new miniatures in the campaign really interested me that much — they were all either characters I already had versions of, or couldn’t think of a way to use in a 7TV cast (but seriously, if “Neutron Nelson” had come with the rest of Prince’s ’80s band, I would have been all over it). So instead I decided to add on some of Crooked Dice’s older ’80s stalwarts, the Paranormal Exterminators, plus some adversaries to go with them.

I’ve been trying to move into more deliberate painting and less drybrushing and washes, and these are a bit of an interim step in that process. The four main guys were done with a brown base coat followed by layers of beige, but I did end up wiping out most of the shadowed areas so I tried to bring them back with a strong tone wash, then some highlights. The faces and equipment was done more or less the same way, but for those I managed to get the shading right (building up from dark to light) so no course correction was needed.

Something strange in your neighborhood

Same technique for the Harbingers — I actually painted the Gatekeeper first as a test piece, and the Keymaster last.

The Ectoplasmic Entity and the Demonic Dogs were done with my usual technique of black primer → drybrush base color → fill in details → wash and highlight as needed.

I believe I’ve got enough models now to do a Ghostbusters scenario for 7TV — I did some ghosts earlier in the year, and I found a Playmobil Marshmallow Man that is close to the right scale. I didn’t pick up Crooked Dice’s Ecto-1 car, thinking that it would really just be a terrain piece, but I’m kind of regretting that now. Maybe time to put another order together…

Something strange in your neighborhood

These two titans of ’80s cinema were also add-ons from the Kickstarter. The Coach was the early bird bonus for the campaign, and the Cyborg Enforcer is an earlier figure that seemed like a fun add-on, although I’m not sure what I’ll use them for, if anything. I do have some questions about the scale between these two though, the cyborg looks a little small…

2024 models painted so far: 184, for 5 different games

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