Grinding gears
Well wouldn’t you know. Lightning finally struck. Let me give you a short summary of my thought process.
Yesterday during our show of the uHH over at Twitch I stumbled across my Revell X-Wing kit I bought to make my own version of AMGs “crashed X-Wing” terrain piece.
In the same show @avernos mentioned to me that I had backed some Fogou and that I could just do that. We where talking about brochs at that time.
Today, sleep deprived and completely devoid of any straight though an inspiration-parical wrecked havoc on my brain.
If Fogou won’t build a broch than I will build my own! With Black Jack and hookers.
What I have:
My goal (sort of):
So thanks to the big lad for sparking the idea.
Yes the Fogou pictures are from the Kickstarter campaing and I still need to paint mine.
Yes this is pure Gerry bait.
No I don’t care.
Will I finish this in time? Who knows! Enjoy the ride and the pictures!
Now, where did I put those lovely resin pieces?
That will be really cool when finished.