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Decrepit Cemetery - Warcry Scenery Set

Decrepit Cemetery - Warcry Scenery Set

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Work in Progress - Restart

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Complete Reset

‘Sleeping’ on the idea gave me a completely ne outlook. By sleeping I mean I had difficulty sleeping at all, mowing the idea over and over in my head. Making peace with how I envision the cemetery, what features and themes are the most important and what feel I would like the set to convey when finished. Finally, around 04AM I was done – I had it. Let’s go with what I do best – use Tree Bark to add fancy basic shapes, combine it with plastic scenery for a coherent look and then build up with details…

The Next Day...

The next day a power outage hit. This was actually somewhat fortunate as I was unable to properly work on commissions, but the sunlight, although scarce, was enough for me to build some scenery. I made a few basic formations, then tested a ramshackle setup to gauge the set as is.

The set looked fine but lacked in the detail department. I spent an hour scrolling through tombstone, cemetery, candles STL on my phone until I found the perfect match of highly detailed, very ‘fantasy’ tombstones and some more stuff to fit. Once the power was back on the printer went brrrr and in an hour I had a lot of tiny candles to start detailing my scenery.

On the Proper Path...

Yeah – I had it. The things were going well and with each tiny candle added, each stone and mold-texture between the cricks, the scenery looked more and more like what I had in mind. A few small pieces got 2mm thick plasticard bases for durability and to make them feel wholesome and I felt ready to topple more advanced challenges such as the cemetery Centerpiece – a ruined tower, the highest two-level platform to crown the set.

Work in Progress - Restart

The Set Finalized

In the end I also added a few rows of tombstones, detailed everything with mold-texture, candles and rubble. The set was complete in terms of modelling. Now I’m back to Hate: Board Game and the Decrepit Cemetery awaits its time to get painted. Stay tuned – I will be back with this one.

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