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Decrepit Cemetery - Warcry Scenery Set

Decrepit Cemetery - Warcry Scenery Set

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Work in Progress

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Work in Progress

Getting into Warcry with a Bang!

A few days back me and my friends got hyped for Warcry. It happened out of the blue, but like with all skirmish games – we’ve decided to get in with a bang! This means scenery and miniatures getting done before we even play our first games of Warcry.

I really like to build cozy, finely detailed scenery sets such as the Crimson Crags: Kill-Team scenery set, or the Ghasthollows Cemetery for 10mm Warmaster. These are always relatively small, contained sets that keep me engaged and motivated throughout the entire process. Now I wanted to repeat it with Warcry, thus the “Decrepit Cemetery” idea popped up in my mind: ‘Old ruined multilevel cemetery with crumbling rock formations supported with wooden planks. Tombstones and old walls upheaved by roots. Here and there some rustling chains and a lot – a loooot of candles.’ Akin to how I imagine a cemetery in the Old World city of Mordheim might look like. Old, ruined, haunted… somewhere in-between these two projects I’ve done in the pact:

Initial Setup

With the idea galvanized in my head, I dived into the bitz box to try and salvage as much old school scenery I could. Made a loose setup on the gaming mat just to see how much stuff I might need and what is missing.

The quantity and variety seemed fine, but I felt some of the scenery lacked character – at least character I expected from the set. That was good cause in the end I like to leave my personal footprint in all hobby work I do. The more that need to be done the better. Quite frankly I need to take a break from an ongoing Hate: Board Game project even if for an hour a day. I handpicked a few scenery pieces to work on and…

Things turned to shit...

Work in Progress

…failed miserably at my first attempt. The idea behind the above piece was to combine the playability of the original Warcry starter set scenery with the chosen theme. The results were ‘Oof’ to say the least. It looked dull and symmetric. Very uninspired. I was so conflicted about the piece, not sure if I should follow up with more of the kind or scrap it. In the end I wrapped things up for the day and hit the bed. Best to just sleep on such ideas and see the stuff in a bright new light next thing in the morning, with clear head…

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