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From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto

From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto

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Not stopped by a lot of land

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Here be mystic sea horses bringing the water with them

I’ve hit a small painting wall but getting some magnets into the trays for the figures has been positive movement for the project. I’ve also ordered more to complete securing the army to the transport plate. This lot of lovely ladies grows more attractive all the time. 😆

I had the hippocampi(?) that I wanted printed and I’ve been looking at how I’d need to kitbash the legs of some Dark Temple Guard Praetorians from Shadowforge to use as a unit of Hearthguard. I’m not a fan of the cast spears. The polearms look more like ranseurs with tiny details of skulls that I just won’t be able to replicate in a material I feel will be durable for regular handling so they will be kept. The legs will be hacked, repositioned and the armor frill replaced on the finished legs. I don’t think too much work will need to be done on the shield arms but I’ll see what happens in the seating of the figures.

A not on the prints is that they came out very cleanly with minimal fuss for the supports. My friend printing them did a bit of custom supporting in tapering the terminal points where they meet the model. It’s a trick that seems to minimize the scarring of the contact points and my need to run sandpaper for smoothing.

On a separate topic of photos I’ve tried some more with natural lighting and using thin EVA foam as a backdrop. Tooling about with 5600k WB, 100 ISO and 1/30 sec shutter seemed to have worked with these pics. I’ll look more into the difference between this and my “studio” photo setup with table lamps.


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