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Counters and Tricorder

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Counters and Tricorder

Since we predominately play our Trek games using the Galactic Heroes and/or other Fistful of Lead rules from Wiley Games, I dont need buckets of dice, just a few d12s, d10s, and d8s. So rather than haul the traditional Crown Royal bag leaden with 5 pounds of dice around to every game table, it was time to actual 3d print the tricorder dice box.  Grabbed a file from thingiverse, a quick ugly boolean in Blender to modify it, and off to the printer. a few slapdash brush strokes of paint, a horrendously ugly install of  some magnets, and done.

Counters and Tricorder


It was time to do up some Trek specific counters as well.

Replacing the standard Fistful of Lead Wound Counters, I printed out some Red Alert counters.


We also have a house rule Trait for Borg that allow them to Adapt to a target’s ranged attacks.

In a nutshell for those interested in the rule: a Borg model spends both actions to Adapt to a target’s ranged attacks. All Borg models are immune to that models ranged attacks until the that model performs a Reload action to cycle the frequencies on their phaser/ disrupter /etc.
Author’s Note: Goddamned Larry and his goddamned Borg are a freaking menace! absolutely terrifying to play against…. but so much fun!

So I printed off some Adaptation tokens while I was at it.

Counters and Tricorder

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