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The Brotherhood of Venice

The Brotherhood of Venice

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5. Apprentices

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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When the game begins, rather than starting as one of the characters, each player is given an apprentice assassin.  After the first couple of missions, you can level up and at that point you become the named character that you originally selected.  The assassin apprentice models are not really as exciting as the characters but I still opted to paint them using traditional techniques rather than trying to speed paint them.  I think, given the amount of white involved with the assassins, this is really the best option.  As much as I really rate speed paint and contrast paint for whizzing through armies and bulk painting, they don’t really do white justice.

The white here is done using a white undercoat over which I used the new citadel white wash, Soulblight Grey, and then applied a single white highlight over the top.  I haven’t yet found grey shade light enough to sit between Souldblight Grey and pure white, so I just did one single highlight.

My technique for black was to apply black as the base coat, highlighted with Necromancer Cloak and then same again with a little uniform grey added for good measure.  I then used a thinned black wash as a glaze at the end.

I edged the bases using the same colour that is on the character cards for each character, I will echo this when I do the main character models

5. Apprentices

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