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Anno Domini 1666 - The Old World without the Warhammer

Anno Domini 1666 - The Old World without the Warhammer

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Isaac Newton

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Isaac Newton, for anyone who doesn’t know, was the man who invented gravity (or so I phrased it during my childhood). He was a polymath and unlike Faust, a real scientist – a mathematician, a physicist, an astronomer (as opposed to an astrologer like Faust) and a philosopher. His contribution to modern science really cannot be overstated. However in the world of Anno Domini we see a very different Isaac Newton, a man who has taken on a more Frenkenstein-esque role. Creator of the Monstrum, Newton is seen here in his butchers apron wielding his bone saw.

I love the colour palette on this one. Although I largely lifted it from the artwork in the game, I love the russet autumnal tones – the warm, orange ochre, the golds and browns. Although some of the details aren’t great, I was quite pleased with the facial details, relatively easy to paint. By no means as crisp as metal or resin but still good enough to show.

I also took a different approach to the basing. I wasn’t happy with the way the older ones had turned out. I wanted something a bit grimier and dirtier but also something faster to produce (gluing flock into recesses between the stones was a bit of faff). So I used the warm greys from army painter but I used a vibrant green, watered down, to flood the recesses and give a mossy, mouldy look to the stones. I then gave them a slightly “horror” vibe by splattering some dry blood effects (army painter) on them.

Isaac Newton

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